Forums - Alpha 2 top tier? Show all 28 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Alpha 2 top tier? ( Posted by Reitterer on 04:27:2001 12:25 AM: I've recently gotten into SFA2, one of Capcom's finest moments! The reason why I began is because they're going to release an Alpha 2 in an arcade I go to. (Towson:virtual fun) I would like to prepare myself for competition. Basically I would like to know who the top tiers are according to the experts! I think that characters like Adon and Guy most likely rank high. What do you guys think? Posted by Cletus Kasady on 04:27:2001 12:57 AM: The big characters in that game are Ken, Chun Li, Rose, Ryu and Rolento AFAIK. Reasons being... Ken: Has an AC with huge range that takes off a lot of damage. Great CC. Nice rolling patterns that can be very confusing. Chun Li: Can poke like mad. Piss easy CC. Rose: Punch AC lets you follow up with C.Strong XX Short-Drill. C.Strong is incredible as a poke. Jab-Soul Reflect lets you build up meter really easily. Soul Illusion super allows you to chip like mad. Ryu: Fierce Hadoken is really useful in ground games. Has a great CC too, but other than that plays somewhat like a weaker Ken. Rolento: Great at runaway and keepaway with Stingers. Has a pretty good (albeit complicated) CC. Adon and Guy are pretty low AFAIK. Not as bad as Birdie or Dan or anything, but still not all too good. - Cletus Kasady Posted by omni on 04:27:2001 01:11 AM: The usually agreed upon top tier in America goes something like: Ryu - Fierce fireball is too good. Chun Li - Low forward has too much priority and you can buffer it into fireball for almost always safe block damage. Her level 1 custom does 50%. she can custom through dragon punches while in the air, fast walking speed, etc. The scrub char of the game, by far. Ken - level 1 custom does like 40%. Kick Alpha Counter does liek 15% on a normal damage machine. Roll is good, although you can't center your game around it like you could in A1. Rose - Low strong is annoying, punch ac is good, seems to always have meter and has 8 billion uses for said meter - be in ac, cc, illusion super, or juggles. 2nd Tier Zangief, Rolento, Sakura, Charlie, Sagat After that - the rest are all just decent or suck really bad. Adon is fun to play - his custom does a lot of damage, but he has a hard time attacking since you can custom through all of his special moves really easily. He has to stand on the ground and use his normals more - like low strong and standning roundhouse. Guy is a lot of fun to play also - but just has a really hard time with projectile chars. You have rely a lot on low alpha counters and trying to custom through fireballs with level 2. But who cares about tiers - you should just play who you have fun with. Derek Daniels Posted by Ryu1999 on 04:27:2001 02:14 AM: wouldn't akuma fit in 2nd tier somewhere? from my experience, he's been the scrub character of choice. Posted by omni on 04:27:2001 07:23 AM: Akuma could easily slip into 2nd tier, but for right now - i'm not including him in it. when Julien and Gunter both went to Japan - one of the first things they remarked about was how good Japanese Akuma players are in A2. They mentioned how after any combo which led to a hurricane kick, they would link a custom combo on after it (hurricane kick, custom, short hurricane kick into whatever) which presents a lot of opportunities to inflict hella damage. They also made mention of a combo that none of us here really use, which I guess dizzies every single time it connects: Cross up, Low Strong, Link to Standing Strong, fireball. Akuma has a lot of opportunities to land his cross up if you surround your whole game around it like Sakura. KP of So Cal fame, has a really good Akuma in A2 that does basically this. Akuma has the potential I guess to be there, but I have never seen anyone do so in America. Derek Daniels Posted by Buktooth88 on 04:27:2001 07:30 AM: just a random question, when Rose absorbs a fireball, does that make her soul spark more powerful? There's a custom in the TZW vid where she absorbs a fireball first, activates the custom then shoots like 7 sparks.Maybe it was me, but the sparks seemed to do around 15-20% each! Posted by Strike on 04:27:2001 07:52 AM: Yeah, each absorb makes the next fireball she throws stronger. 7-8 absorbs leads to a max Soul Spark, which is around 20-25% damage. Posted by Ryu1999 on 04:27:2001 08:01 AM: hmm i thought it just filled your super meter. i don't really do much with rose besides fill up meter, soul illusion, drill...yeah, well i don't use her that much. mainly just ryu, chun, charlie, and 'gief in a2 for me Posted by Otaku Anime Gamer on 04:27:2001 05:51 PM: Well remember to learn Alpha 2's version of V-ism. To activate it press 2 punch 1 kick. Almost anything combo's. But it's not very damaging. Posted by hyt on 04:27:2001 06:29 PM: If I remember correctly, according to the rankings of this old Jap mag called Gamest (one of the best ever, but ended publication for some reason), Chun-Li was ranked #1, and then there was Ryu, Gokui and some other characters I forgot (too long ago...). In a Hong Kong competition, the champion was a Rolento user and had a nice CC where he could launch his opponent up in the air, and then super jump => forward => forward => super jump => forward => forward => etc... Posted by Strike on 04:27:2001 07:22 PM: Absorbing increasing meter as well as strengthens her next fireball. CC's are VERY damaging, you must not have seen good ones. It's pretty universally agreed that the top 4 go: 1) Ryu 2) Chun-Li 3) Rose 4) Ken that order. Posted by BabiG on 04:27:2001 09:11 PM: Seems to be some discord over if Ryu or Ken is better...then again, when isn't there? Gah...I need to play more A2 on Kaillera...can't find games, and if I do they either suck, are bad sports (quit when they lose) or kick my ass (I tend to play esoteric people too, like Guy)... Posted by BabiG on 04:27:2001 09:14 PM: BTW, play Powered Gear, which was just released from stuff ,its like cyberbots, but in a final fight style game, and you can squish the puny humans and pick up mech parts from the guy you seems real cool. Can't wait till its in kaillera, playing your own build is no fun when no one else can join in the game. Posted by soshi on 04:27:2001 09:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by omni Adon is fun to play - his custom does a lot of damage, but he has a hard time attacking since you can custom through all of his special moves really easily. He has to stand on the ground and use his normals more - like low strong and standning roundhouse. Adon has great normals. His c. strong and c. forward are excellent pokes and have good priority. Most prefer his strong because it can be easily buffered into his super but I feel it's a waste unless you have 3 meters. Otherwise just save it for his CC's and AC's. Also, his c. forward has SLIGHTLY better priority. The strong pops his head up a slight bit which opens him up to some medium and high attacks that whiff when he uses forward(ex. 'Giefs lariat). He also has one of the best anti-air's in the game(if not the best). The jutting kick(D/F+ forward) beats anyone on jump-ins except 'Gief. But if 'Gief lands in throw range Adon can get a throw off first. If he lands beyond Adon's throw range Adon just has to wait a slight second. If 'Gief does ANYTHING blowthrough with CC. CC's beat the FAB for free. Or you can do a late AC at the last second during the jump-in which can set him up for a crossup combo(j. forward). His special moves can be blown through but still have their uses. For ex., I like to use the Jaguar Tooth not to attack but to fake out. Most people will try to DP Adon, but if you do it w/short and are way out of their range they are open for the CC. Also, it be used to cover a whiffed CC. Last year at ECC I landed a CC but after the first set of Jaguar Knees connected the 2nd set whiffed and my opp was behind me. Using the Jaguar Tooth he can hit his opp from behind(like the Ryu that got a foot to his head trying to hit Adon from behind). The Jaguar Kick usually can be CC'd after it's blocked(sometimes even if it hits) but I've found that if you do it maximum range, right where the 1/2 circle arc just barely grazes the opp you are safe afterwards and still does the same damage. If you know the proper range where it is safe and don't become predictable it can be a useful move. Now I know he is at a definite disadvantage against the top tier. He is far from being top tier material. His specials may not be nearly as good as some chars. and need to be used very carefully, but his normals make up for it. BUT I think he is underrated and can probably beat most of the 2nd tier chars you mentioned. My main concern of that tier would be 'Gief. I've had WAY too many headaches against 'Gief players and I don't get enough constant practice to stay on top of my game. Suresh Posted by TS on 04:27:2001 09:56 PM: I think I woulda liked A2 if I ever got to play it (closet thing to me having is is m3e buying A2G in December). Very simple, at least from an excecution standpoint. Anyway, anyone know any good Rose CCs? Posted by shin srwilson on 04:27:2001 10:16 PM: Gouki is the best in the game no questions asked definetly the top of tier 1. Posted by olds on 04:27:2001 11:14 PM: Yea most serious fights involved Ken/Rose/Chun and Ryu round our way. I think Alpha 2 is reasonably balanced though, if you are very skilled with any character you have a good chance. Posted by Nos99 on 04:28:2001 03:58 AM: quote: Originally posted by TS Very simple, at least from an excecution standpoint. Anyway, anyone know any good Rose CCs? Well.. I use d.rh, rh drill, repeat rh drills.. end with fierce soul catch. What do you mean about the execution thing? You mean that CCs are easier to do? As a whole though, I'd say it's about the same personally. Eg: I can instant counter DP VCs/Supers/etc in A3.. I hate trying to counter CCs in A2 with DP. I find it waay harder. But what do I know. Posted by Ryu1999 on 04:30:2001 06:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by shin srwilson Gouki is the best in the game no questions asked definetly the top of tier 1. you obviously don't know shit about sfa2 then. i think we pretty much listed why gouki/akuma is not top tier, so take it or leave it. stop getting on his nuts. i acknowledge that ryu sucked in sf2:ww and in the vs. series, and albeit akuma rocks in all the non-vs games that's he's been in except for a2 Posted by Gunter on 04:30:2001 08:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by Ryu1999 you obviously don't know shit about sfa2 then. i think we pretty much listed why gouki/akuma is not top tier, so take it or leave it. stop getting on his nuts. i acknowledge that ryu sucked in sf2:ww and in the vs. series, and albeit akuma rocks in all the non-vs games that's he's been in except for a2 Spoken like a true super scrub. Refer to omni's post as to why Gouki is top-tier material, and also as to why the US never realized his potential. Posted by Bezerka on 04:30:2001 08:58 AM: What about Evil Ryu? Hes like a cross between Ryu and Akuma in that game, so how good is he? Posted by Gunter on 04:30:2001 09:45 AM: quote: Originally posted by Bezerka What about Evil Ryu? Hes like a cross between Ryu and Akuma in that game, so how good is he? I'm more familiar with Z2 than A2, so I don't really know. But Omar Deloney once made a video featuring, or should I say EXPLOITING, Evil Ryu's potential. On the plus side, he apparently has infinite blowout on his CCs, but his Strong DP leaves a little to be desired. IIRC, his Strong DP and perhaps the speed (or lack thereof, in comparison) of his FBs placed Ryu ahead of him on the tier list. Posted by Ryu1999 on 04:30:2001 04:06 PM: quote: Originally posted by omni Akuma could easily slip into 2nd tier, but for right now - i'm not including him in it. . . . Akuma has the potential I guess to be there, but I have never seen anyone do so in America. Derek Daniels actually he said he could slip into 2nd tier. and i thought i mentioned that in the U.S. we haven't seen a good gouki/akuma players. however, gouki may have some options, but what can he do that the "big 4" can' beat out? but since you, gunter live in japan to see all the good gouki players, i'll take your word for it. also you pointed out some good gouki strategies on another thread for me... but since gouki's the biggest scrub magnet ever, i'll never use him. i mean why use ryu, when you have the same person but with air fireballs...coolssssssssss. [sarcasm]. the disputed #1s in A2 are evil ryu or ryu. evil ryu has a weird property on his a2 blowout where he can blow out from full-screen. omar had this trick where he lured the fireball and just as the animation was coming out he'd blow it out with a CC FROM MID-SCREEN. i think he was able to valle cc from there, so p.o. for the poor victim. evil ryu is far better than gouki IMO because of the blowout glitch that he has. and (don't quote me on this) he doens't have the bad stamina. Posted by shin srwilson on 04:30:2001 05:38 PM: Gouki & Evil Ryu are the best followed by good Ryu. Posted by Ryu1999 on 04:30:2001 06:02 PM: quote: Originally posted by shin srwilson Gouki & Evil Ryu are the best followed by good Ryu. storywise CVS (individaually) alpha 2 no Posted by shin srwilson on 04:30:2001 06:10 PM: Well thats your opinion. Posted by Ryu1999 on 04:30:2001 06:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by shin srwilson Well thats your opinion. actually no, its not my opinion, its tournament proven. and if you read through the thread, there are REASONS that ryu, ken, rose, and chun-li are the ones to beat in alpha 2. evil ryu is arguably top tier though. stop being such a fanboy and look at the facts, akuma is lower 1st, upper 2nd tier IMO, but lower 2nd tier to most of the elite plyaers in cali, so you can choose who you wish to believe. however, that shouldn't stop you from using whoever you like to use. if you like akuma, by all means use him. you shouldn't use a char just cause he's the best Posted by Ryu1999 on 05:01:2001 04:28 AM: *bump* i love sfa2. its my favorite sf ever All times are GMT. The time now is 12:30 AM. Show all 28 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.